Friday, September 24, 2004

PMA Member Jim Evans Testifies Before U.S.-China Commission

PMA Member Jim Evans Testifies Before U.S.-China Commission: "Jim Evans testified today before the U.S.-China Commission at a field hearing in Akron, Ohio, telling his story of lost business, lost employees and loss of income tax revenue in the region due to U.S.-China trade, and called on the commission to restore balance to U.S.-China trade.
The field hearing, 'The Impact of U.S.-China Trade and Investment on Key Manufacturing Sectors' brought witnesses from auto parts, rubber, glassware, ceramics, as well as those representing steel manufacturers.
In his testimony, Evans, who is Purchasing Manager of Gentzler Tool & Die in Green, Ohio, a manufacturer of high volume stampings for the automotive, cookware, aeronautics and appliance industries, described the challenges of the metal stamping and tool & die industries. In addition to the burgeoning U.S.-China trade issue, U.S. manufacturers have faced a recession in 2000; high costs of doing business in the U.S.; product liability costs, taxes,
steel tariffs in 2002 and 2003; and, the more-than-doubling in the cost of steel in 2004 (for a number of reasons, including China)."

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