Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Railroad, ports awash in imports
PortlandTribune.com: "the flood of goods has clogged the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Calif., causing concern among importers looking for timely delivery. The New York Times in a story this week referred to it as ?the pinch of cargo caught in transit limbo.?
The congestion has been exacerbated by manpower shortages on the docks and by railroads and highways needing modernization and system upgrades.
A piece of the pie
Friedmann, meanwhile, told Propeller Club members that there will be another surge in imports from China after U.S. quotas on apparel and textiles are phased out at the beginning of 2005. Already, he said, there are ?unexpected volumes? of cargo arriving from China, with the weak U.S. dollar keeping export volumes up."
The congestion has been exacerbated by manpower shortages on the docks and by railroads and highways needing modernization and system upgrades.
A piece of the pie
Friedmann, meanwhile, told Propeller Club members that there will be another surge in imports from China after U.S. quotas on apparel and textiles are phased out at the beginning of 2005. Already, he said, there are ?unexpected volumes? of cargo arriving from China, with the weak U.S. dollar keeping export volumes up."