Friday, February 11, 2005

US suppliers applaud congressional resolution on steel import tariffs

Industry News - News & Events - Auto Industry
The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) this week commended Rep. Joseph Knollenberg (R-Mich.) for his introduction in the House of Representatives HR 84, a resolution calling on the International Trade Commission to consider - and report on - the impact of US ?antidumping? duties on steel-consuming manufacturers. These are imposed by the US on products from countries covered by antidumping or countervailing duty orders.
'Decreased availability, reduced quality, delayed deliveries and artificially high steel prices have been a leading cause of job losses and even bankruptcies among auto suppliers,' said Ann Wilson, MEMA vice president of government affairs. 'We believe the duties that will be reviewed by the ITC have created distortions in the market and are no longer necessary given the health of the domestic steel industry, and we're delighted that Congressman Knollenberg has called attention to the importance of the hearings.'

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