Friday, April 01, 2005

Design Guidelines For Precision Metal Stampings and Fabrications

And now a little plug for our professional organization ...
We are members of the PMA, the Precision Metalforming Association

They put out a little book, called Design Guidelines. In some ways it might be the most useful book they've done. It attempts to condense into a short book the most interesting things a designer needs to know when designing a part that will eventually be stamped out of metal. Most designers design in a variety of materials today, including plastics, wood, fabrics, and metal. Keeping all the different characteristics of these materials straight is a major task. This book simplifies it (and states it in terms your metal stamper will understand). Not a week goes by that I don't refer to the well worn copy on my desk. In fact, I have another copy at home.
Over a year ago, the PMA started work on the third edition. And now it's out. We think it's a great resource, not the least of all because our own John Wagner from Hamond was one of the contributing authors. Also, reflecting the times, it's available on CD ROM. Here's their description of it:

Design Guidelines Third Edition has been updated to reflect today's best manufacturing practices and industry advancements. This edition focuses on practical advice and cost-effective solutions for professionals who design, specify and source precision stamped, fabricated and formed metal component parts.

Nearly every aspect of metalforming is covered in 19 information-filled chapters and a glossary of 500 common metalforming terms. Critical design concepts and techniques are illustrated with drawings, diagrams and photos. New fineblanking and water-jet cutting sections make this edition the most comprehensive yet.

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