Sunday, April 10, 2005

NAM to Launch Satellite

There aren't that many manufacturing BLOGs (ours being amongst the first) but the NAM (National Association of Manufacturers) has been running a blog since about November of 2004.

On April 1st past they ran this article, which I managed to miss at the time, but am reprinting here now because I like April fools ... it's a chance for us all to make fun of ourselves.

NAM to Launch Satellite
The NAM today announced an ambitious plan to launch its own satellite by decade's end. In making the announcement, the NAM Board, meeting in Aventura, Florida, took note of the sheer ambition of the plan. 'We recognize this is a heroic effort', the Board said in a statement, 'but these times demand bold moves.'
The deal calls for NAM-member manufacturers to provide component materials at cost. As a result, this satellite will cost billions less than the off-the-shelf Best Buy or Wal-Mart models.
When fully operational, the satellite will beam pro-manufacturing programming -- both overt and subliminal -- around the globe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using the latest 'smart' satellite technology, it will also be able to detect and block any programming from other satellites at odds with the NAM message.

The current blog entries can be found here.

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