Sunday, July 24, 2005

Bush Hails federal appellate judge John Roberts As Wise and Decent Court Pick

AP via Yahoo! News
From a distinguished legal pedigree to a belief in strict interpretation of the Constitution to summers working in a steel mill, President Bush on Saturday reviewed the reasons he chose federal appellate judge John Roberts for the Supreme Court.

His father, John G. Roberts, worked for Bethlehem Steel for 34 years, retiring in 1985.

However, don't read too much into that. What John Roberts Jr. knows and understands about steel and steel issues is still unclear ... his direct steel mill experience was oddjobs one summer ... from the New York Daily News

As Bush said, Roberts did work at a steel mill to help pay for college, although it was for just one summer assisting at the Bethlehem Steel mill where his father was a mid-level executive.

A spokesman for Mittal Steel, which now owns the plant, said during summertime, "children of employees would come and work here as laborers," which allowed them to earn some money for college tuition.

Langley, who also worked a summer at the plant, described the work as "mostly cleaning up big piles of industrial waste," and other tasks that full-time workers were loath to do. Yet the job was a good, he recalled, because "they paid so much."

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