Sunday, October 16, 2005
Steel giants rush to invest in developing economies, Canadian company invests in the US and new uses for steel
This isn't particularly good news for steel consumers. Rapid (over)development of production leads to unstable prices down the road. Recent developments include India and the Ukraine. There are also eyes on Turkey, China and Latin America.
AFP via Yahoo
The big beasts of the global steel industry are in the grip of a frantic race to invest in high-growth zones such as India, China, Latin America and Eastern Europe, a strategy that may see them having to cut their own overcapacity in the future.
In other steel news, Canadian steel producer - Atlas Tube Inc - to invest in Arkansas, hire 100 workers
Arkansas News Bureau
A Canadian tubing company said Friday that it will invest $50 million to build a steel tubing manufacturing plant in Blytheville, home of Arkansas' thriving steel industry.
And, as old as steel is, I am forever amazed that the building and construction industry keeps finding new uses for it. When we moved to our new location (now 7 years ago and, I guess, not so new any more), we had to build one new room. It was all built using steel studs. This has become the norm. They're stronger than wood studs, better in case of fires, lighter, it's easier to find them (behind the gyproc, because they're magnetic) etc. Here's an article from the seattle post about how steel doors are a good idea for homes:
I have installed and tested every type of front door (steel, wood, fiberglass and carbon fiber) in my own home, and my preference is clearly an insulated steel door. I particularly liked the clean appearance, the airtight seals and the security steel offers.
Even though steel does conduct heat, insulated steel doors are one of the most efficient of all designs. The steel skins are thin, and there is an insulating thermal break between the indoor and outdoor skins to block the direct flow of heat. The interior of the door is filled with insulating foam.
Another significant advantage of a steel door is it is magnetic. That allows refrigerator-door-type magnetic weather-stripping to be used on the frame. When the door closes, the seals snap tightly to the door. That is more effective than friction or compression weatherstripping, which may wear out or take a permanent set, reducing its airtight sealing ability.
AFP via Yahoo
The big beasts of the global steel industry are in the grip of a frantic race to invest in high-growth zones such as India, China, Latin America and Eastern Europe, a strategy that may see them having to cut their own overcapacity in the future.
In other steel news, Canadian steel producer - Atlas Tube Inc - to invest in Arkansas, hire 100 workers
Arkansas News Bureau
A Canadian tubing company said Friday that it will invest $50 million to build a steel tubing manufacturing plant in Blytheville, home of Arkansas' thriving steel industry.
And, as old as steel is, I am forever amazed that the building and construction industry keeps finding new uses for it. When we moved to our new location (now 7 years ago and, I guess, not so new any more), we had to build one new room. It was all built using steel studs. This has become the norm. They're stronger than wood studs, better in case of fires, lighter, it's easier to find them (behind the gyproc, because they're magnetic) etc. Here's an article from the seattle post about how steel doors are a good idea for homes:
I have installed and tested every type of front door (steel, wood, fiberglass and carbon fiber) in my own home, and my preference is clearly an insulated steel door. I particularly liked the clean appearance, the airtight seals and the security steel offers.
Even though steel does conduct heat, insulated steel doors are one of the most efficient of all designs. The steel skins are thin, and there is an insulating thermal break between the indoor and outdoor skins to block the direct flow of heat. The interior of the door is filled with insulating foam.
Another significant advantage of a steel door is it is magnetic. That allows refrigerator-door-type magnetic weather-stripping to be used on the frame. When the door closes, the seals snap tightly to the door. That is more effective than friction or compression weatherstripping, which may wear out or take a permanent set, reducing its airtight sealing ability.