Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Rounding Up the Byrd

Well, it's 2006. Happy Happy everyone.

Considering you're probably still digesting your turkey, it's time to review the other Byrd in our lives.

Just before we broke for the holidays, the Byrd Amendment was kinda, sorta, give-us-2-years revoked. By the way, from the coverage, I can't even tell if Byrd has a deadline or not. The wording all seems very vague.

Here's a review of articles that commented on the situation.

"Byrd Amendment' dumping measure dumped by Congress

A report showed the Timken Company, an Ohio-based producer of ball bearings and steel tubing headed by a major contributor to President George W. Bush's campaign took in the highest Byrd payments, 81.2 million dollars or some 36 percent of the total in the past fiscal year.

Byrd Amendment Dies In The Senate
Local steel union leaders say it's "despicable" that Vice President Dick Cheney cast a tie-breaking vote Wednesday

Duty-sharing Byrd amendment repealed

The Senate repealed a key manufacturing subsidy ...
How can it be a "key manufacturing subsidy" when most manufacturers did not benefit from it, and many manufacturers were discriminated against by it?

U.S. Senate votes to dump Byrd trade law affecting softwood lumber duties

Highlights of the U.S. spending cut bill

Close Senate Vote Weakens U.S. Trade Laws with that title you know it had to come from The Committee to Support U.S. Trade Laws. It expressed its deep disappointment in Congress's decision today to repeal an important U.S. law that guards against unfair trade practices.

USW React: Senate Vote Weakens Trade Laws For Workers

"Vice President Cheney's tie-breaking vote in today's Senate budget bill hurts American workers struggling to compete in the global marketplace. U.S. workers don't have a fighting chance when their own government keeps giving away the tools that seek to even up the playing field.

"Repeal of the Byrd law in the budget bill will accelerate the predatory practices of foreign competitors who are subsidized by their governments to unfairly dump products in America.

"The USW continues to believe that the World Trade Organization's decision that declared the Byrd law in violation of international trading rules as over-reaching. It imposes obligations on the U.S. that were never negotiated and the U.S. negotiators should follow congressional intent by negotiating retention of the Byrd law in the WTO's current Doha Round.

Duty-sharing Byrd amendment is repealed

The Senate repealed a key manufacturing subsidy in narrowly passing a final budget bill Wednesday but compromised to allow U.S. companies that rely on it to keep receiving tariff revenues until their foreign competitors stop illegal practices.
No more companies will be able to receive Byrd money after Oct. 1, 2007.

Senators Vote to Kill Trade Law

A festering trade dispute between the United States and several major trading partners appears set to subside after the Senate voted yesterday to repeal an anti-dumping law that was ruled illegal by the World Trade Organization.

And from a fishery newspaper
Demand for seafood hits record high

Lawmakers managed to repeal the highly controversial Byrd Amendment, a mechanism that funnels much-needed payments to fledgling commercial fishermen in Louisiana and elsewhere.

While it has recently been touted as a saving grace for processors in the shrimp and crawfish industries, the Byrd amendment will be eliminated by 2007 and channeled into the U.S. Treasury.

Byrd Amendment flies away

Reaction to Congress' action repealing the Byrd Amendment depends on whether U.S. companies and their competitors are exporting or importing their products and the materials needed to manufacture them.

Oh, and lest Sen Byrds name be dropped from the public eye, he was also out stumping against Bush's surprise revelation that he considers himself above the law and legal requirements for wiretap warrants.

Unchecked Power to Spy?

‘President claims a boundless authority’
“Never have the freedoms we cherish seemed so imperiled.�
By United States Senator Robert Byrd

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