Monday, March 13, 2006

Republican candidate makes campaign swing

This is interesting both because it's an attempt to unseat Sen. Robert C. Byrd and because the man comes from a steel background.

East Liverpool Review Online
A self-described 'Reagan Republican' made his way to northern Hancock County in a bid to unseat the long-term U.S. senator from West Virginia.
John Raese, a resident of Morgantown, has thrown his hat into the Republican ring for a chance to defeat Senator Robert C. Byrd. But first, Raese must win his party's primary in May.
To that end, Raese has been traveling much of the state talking about the issues that set him apart from his competition in the primary and, what he hopes will be, in the general election in November.
Raese, through his businesses, has had a long standing relationship with the county's steel mill and is concerned over the job loss.
'We are seeing most of our market eaten alive by steel from Communist China,' Raese said. 'We are creating a lot of problems in Washington - it's my biggest issue right now.'
Since he has business interests with steel and limestone, Raese said he is keenly aware of some of the problems facing large and small business owners.
'Regulations in our country cost $98 billion a year to small business owners. That's about $2,800 per employee,' Raese said. Deregulation is the key, the candidate suggests, to help unlock the potential for small business growth.

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