Thursday, March 23, 2006

US, Canada NAFTA meet could yield softwood talks

I know it's not about stamping, but as trade disputes go, this is one of the most disputatious ones, so it's resolution may offer keys to other trade disputes, including ones including steel.

I'm not sure why Mexico is involved here ... the Mexican-US dispute is over cement, which isn't on the agenda tomorrow. But maybe there will be talks on both topics ....

Yahoo! News
A meeting on Friday between the United States, Canada and Mexico to discuss the North American Free Trade Agreement may yield a plan to restart talks on resolving a lumber row between the United States and Canada, industry sources said.
Talks about the long-running dispute broke down last summer and were left on hold while Canada held elections.
Canada ships $6 billion in softwood lumber such as spruce, fir and pine to the United States each year. Washington has slapped duties on the imports, saying Ottawa's below-market logging rates represent an unfair subsidy. Canada denies the claims and accuses the United States of being protectionist.

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