Thursday, June 15, 2006

Three unions try to resolve AK Steel representation

This has been a long standing labour dispute ... so far, AK steel has been able to continue to make steel, but it's not clear how much their production capacity has been hurt. I know there've been some accidents.

The Cincinnati Enquirer
The National Labor Relations Board's Cincinnati regional office is attempting to work out an agreement among AK Steel and three unions over a planned representation vote for 2,700 locked-out workers at the company's Middletown Works.
Earl Ledford, NLRB regional attorney, said a conference call would be held today among the company and representatives of Armco Employees Independent Federation, the International Association of Machinists and United Steelworkers.
The leadership of the AK Steel independent union, in a contract stalemate with AK since Feb. 28, has endorsed the Machinists' organizing effort. The Steelworkers, which have long sought to represent the Middletown workers, is contesting it. If the conference call doesn't resolve the dispute, Ledford said the NLRB would proceed to a formal representation hearing tentatively set for June 22.

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