Sunday, September 24, 2006

AK Steel gives union its final offer

Well, here's the answer to my question from yesterday...

AP via Yahoo! News
Union leaders are recommending that locked out AK Steel employees reject a final contract offer made by the company in the 7-month-long labor standoff at the Middletown Works plant, a union spokesman said.

[...]members will vote Monday on the contract, International Machinists Union spokesman Jim Tyler said.

Tyler said the committee believes the negatives in the proposal outweigh the positives [...]

And yet, just when you think you heard the answer, you have dissent.

These guys say the union is against:
Union recommends rejecting AK Steel offer

But these guys say it's not:
Tyler said the union's executive committee isn't likely to make a recommendation to accept or reject the company's proposal to end the longest lockout in the Middletown plant's history.

"There are some things in it we like and some things we don't," he said.

This guy Tyler seems to be talking out of both sides of his mouth. Or at least is being quoted out of two sides of his mouth. I'm not sure what's going on here.

But perhaps the most telling article is this one:
AK workers train for new careers

"I should have done this 10 years ago," said Ryan Kraus, one of three AK workers among the 10 adults in the first class to finish the construction training program at Butler Tech.

"I've always enjoyed this kind of work, and you can make a good living at it," he said.

This one is interesting too, a few weeks back:
AK STEEL: LOCKOUT DAY 188 Finding a place during the lockout

It would be interesting to interview these guys a year down the road, after they've gotten used to the idea of being consumers of manufactured metal and other materials, caught in the middle between the ultimate consumer and the original producers, rather than being producers themselves ....

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