Saturday, September 09, 2006

Copper leads a decline in LME on U.S. Housing

New Kerala
Copper led declines on the London Metal Exchange on speculation that demand will drop because of a slowdown in the housing market in the U.S., the world's second- largest user of the metal.

On the other hand,

Chile hard-pressed to avert more copper strikes

Yahoo! Asia News

Chile's government would likely pay a high political price if negotiators fail to cut a deal with thousands of union workers at state-owned Codelco, the world's largest copper-producing company.

Codelco faces contract negotiations at three divisions before the end of the year, and must reach deals with some 7,000 workers to avert a strike.

A work stoppage by the biggest union in the country could rattle confidence in the center-left administration of Chile's first woman president, Michelle Bachelet.


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