Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Manufacturing Ranked No. 1 Industry for Economic Prosperity

A study announced in early June by Deloitte LLP had some interesting insights into our perceptions of manufacturing.

Despite more than a year of bad news as the manufacturing sector continues to contract, a new annual index released today by Deloitte LLP and The Manufacturing Institute shows that Americans view manufacturing as the most important industry for a strong national economy. There is a wide perception gap, however, between the public's highly positive views of manufacturing's contributions to America's economic success and their negative views about pursuing a career in manufacturing.

The study goes on to observe

While Americans view manufacturing as the most important industry for a strong national economy, the index shows that they are not pursuing careers in manufacturing.

Even more alarming, These are jobs Americans want for their friends and neighbors - but not for themselves or their family members

So clearly there is some work to be done in improving the image of manufacturing.


Not many people like manufacturing job now aday, they do not like to have oily hand and cloths. This happend anyway in all developed countries.
We are facing shortage of skill labour in our country as well.
People's perception alot to do with the country's leader direction.
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